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New Realities, New Strengths: Today’s Marketing Interns are Tomorrow’s Leaders

Marketing Interns at Wildfire

We asked our interns to reflect on how their experiences since 2020 had prepared them to enter the marketing industry in a post-pandemic world.

Toilet paper shortages, isolation, endless scrolling, and on top of it all, high school. The changes brought by COVID-19 for students, teachers, and, let’s be honest, the average employee, has led us to wonder how our marketing interns navigated this “new world” along with the transition from adolescence to adulthood. From their personal to professional lives, having their high school and college experiences upended changed the trajectory of their lives. Join us in celebrating their success in gaining the ability to quickly pivot, learn new things, and focus on intentional communication in a world where this was more difficult. 

Wildfire Marketing Intern James

“What bloomed in me during the pandemic was a drive to learn more, be okay with failing, and explore the opportunities around me.”

James – Paid Media Marketing Intern

Unfortunately, my sophomore year of high school was interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, yet the new interests that I found while stuck at home were the forces that brought me to this internship at Wildfire. I had always wanted to start a podcast. With everyone stuck at home and with access to a free, limitless Zoom account and Adobe Creative Suite, which included Audition, I pulled the trigger and started. I purchased the appropriate podcast equipment and turned to YouTube any time I had a question. I named my podcast The Unearthing Project, and designed cover art in Illustrator. In collaboration with my art teacher, I interviewed multiple Olympians, a Country Music Artist with 1.2M followers on Instagram, and more. This project helped me realize my passion for interpersonal communication along with graphic design. I took what I learned from this experience and applied it as I took on a position creating graphics for the athletic department’s social media at my high school. I now work in a similar position for my cross country and track & field teams at Grinnell College and still love it as much as I did when I started.

What bloomed in me during the pandemic was a drive to learn more, be okay with failing, and explore the opportunities around me. In those months at home, lacking interpersonal contact with my friends, I had to turn to other ways to create relationships and have a positive impact on people. Whether it was an hour-long interview podcast episode or a graphic recognizing an athletic accomplishment of one of my teammates, it brought me joy knowing that my creation can be meaningful to others.

Wildfire Account Intern - Karlee

“Working remotely, learning to connect with others, and truly listening and learning through a screen were challenging yet vital skills to acquire during that time.”

Karlee, Account Management Intern

COVID-19 took the end of my junior year in a new direction. I quickly learned how to use Zoom and the Google Suite as they became integrated into my daily life. Starting my senior year as Student Body President, I conducted multiple virtual meetings throughout the year, equipping me with skills that are now crucial in the workplace. I became more self-accountable and learned to embrace technology. I taught myself how to use technology to my advantage, exploring new platforms and more efficient ways to work virtually.

During the pandemic, I also discovered my passion for media marketing. At the time, I held the title of Miss North Carolina’s Teen 2019 and 2020 due to the pandemic. I constantly brainstormed branding ideas, created content, and posted actively on social media. Realizing my love for video editing, graphic design, and marketing while everything was virtual was a shining light in the darkness. I discovered what I wanted to study in college and set both personal and professional goals.

Wildfire Account Intern - Kylie

“I gained a lot of independence and self-confidence by learning how to be happy with my own company.”

Kylie – Account Management Intern

I was a sophomore in high school when COVID-19 first hit, and little did I know the profound effect it would have on me. I spent my entire Junior year online, which not only challenged me in the classroom but taught me a lot about myself. I gained a lot of independence and self-confidence by learning how to be happy with my own company. I challenged myself to learn new things such as cooking and painting. This time also allowed me to appreciate how amazing technology is.

The fact that I was still about to gain a great education while on Zoom is amazing. COVID-19 also showed us how to connect to people worldwide using technology. Now I am constantly using Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet, whether at work or school, to connect with people around me. Although Covid-19 was hard, it allowed me to grow as an individual and ultimately prepared me for hybrid work.

Wildfire Marketing Intern - Ella

“With social media, I’m able to harness my creativity and writing skills while learning about digital platform strategies and innovative ways to market to audiences.”

Ella, Social Media Marketing Intern

COVID-19 hit when I was a junior in high school, challenging me with my first experience in online education. Initially, the transition to Zoom classes was overwhelming, filled with daily technical glitches and a sense of isolation. However, after a few months, virtual classes and asynchronous assignments became my new normal. Due to online school, I became proficient in online platforms like Google Drive and Adobe. Two years later, after many more changes, I returned to in-person education at West Virginia  University, majoring in Journalism. The experience of isolation and technology sparked my passion for Journalism and social media. I knew I wanted to pursue a career in journalism that goes beyond the traditional paths people usually take with this degree. As a social media marketing intern, I’m able to harness my creativity and writing skills while learning about digital platform strategies and innovative ways to market to audiences.

I’m so glad I was able to spark some passion within myself and find something that aligned with my true interests. A word of advice to college students looking for their next opportunity: Even if your qualifications don’t perfectly match a job description, don’t be afraid to apply, apply, apply. Apply for any positions that interest you, even if they’re not directly aligned with your current major; you may just thrive in them! Attending high school and university online has prepared me for hybrid/remote work.

At Wildfire, summer internship season is a time of mentoring and sharing with young professionals, and also learning from their fresh perspectives, questions, and insights. One thing is clear as we say farewell for now – the future of marketing is BRIGHT!

Looking to join the team? Visit our Careers page to view open positions, and stay tuned next spring as we announce new opportunities for marketing interns.