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Case study

The Intergenerational Center
for Arts & Wellness


Creating a new brand and generating awareness

Senior Services, a 501(c) (3) tax-exempt charitable organization, has been operating in Forsyth County since 1962. Their mission is to help older adults remain at home for as long as possible and live with dignity. Senior Services, along with 21 partner organizations, created The Intergenerational Center for Arts and Wellness. The Generations Center was founded on the belief that how we care for older adults defines our community and that sound intergenerational relationships, created through meaningful moments of human connection, enable our community to thrive.

First, to create the new brand for the Generations Center. Second, to generate awareness and positive attention ahead of the opening of the new facility.


A unique identity and multi-channel, integrated communications plan

It’s a challenge when your target audience is quite literally everyone within the community. It’s also a beautiful opportunity to create a campaign that speaks to and invites all residents into the fold, so to speak. While the communications plan very overtly laid out messaging priorities by segment (i.e. existing Senior Service clients, caretakers, agency partners, stakeholders, etc.) and leveraged channels appropriate to each, the overarching campaign spoke to our commonalities rather than our differences and the mutual benefits of the new Generations Center as a resource for all.

Campaign Components

  • Partner & Stakeholder Research
  • Brand Architecture
  • Brand Positioning
  • Brand Identity (abbreviated name, logo, etc.)
  • Brand Guidelines
  • Concept Development
  • Integrated Communications Planning (including paid media, events, PR, etc.)
  • Social Media Playbook & Community Guidelines
  • Advertising Campaign Development
    (OOH, Print, Digital, etc.)
  • Collateral
  • Partner Toolkit & Training
intergenerational center for arts and wellness

Logo & Color Palette

Bringing people together through our brand identity.

"intergenerational center for arts and wellness" logo in multiple colors

Logo Color Variations

Creating a consistent, contemporary look and feel across channels and with partners.

website on a mobile device

Social Media Story

Engaging community members online.

approved digital invite
approved digital invite

Senior Services Campaign

Intergenerational Center  social media posts

Social Media Campaign

Driving our audience to the grand opening.


Exponential Engagement Growth

The Generations Center brand was successfully launched via a fully-integrated communications campaign and has since become readily recognizable within the Winston-Salem/ Forsyth County community. 

Partner agencies have successfully integrated the brand into their own communications and continue to amplify the message regarding the full range of services and support available at the center.

The one-of-a-kind, state of the art facility and service offering have garnered press coverage both locally and nationally.


Creative Director

Jane Doe

Brand Lead

Jane Doe


Jane Doe


Jane Doe

Creative Director

Jane Doe

Brand Lead

Jane Doe


Jane Doe


Jane Doe

Creative Director

Jane Doe

Brand Lead

Jane Doe


Jane Doe


Jane Doe