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Case study

Red Hat: Close the Gap Direct Mail

Project Overview

On a Mission

Wildfire collaborated with Red Hat to “close the gap” in knowledge about their consulting service amongst customers. The end product was a direct mail piece that raised awareness among the internal sales team and promoted Red Hat’s consulting offering–Open Innovation Labs. 

Wildfire concepted and designed the custom printed direct mail piece, which included:

Campaign Components

  • A field report notebook
  • A personalized membership card
  • A RuMe luggage tag that concealed identity
  • A pen with USB, laser, and UV light
  • A statement of operation with url printed in invisible ink
  • Additional collateral materials
"Close the gap" packaging
ted hat team branding
red hat phone
field report files


Creative Director

Jane Doe

Brand Lead

Jane Doe


Jane Doe


Jane Doe

Creative Director

Jane Doe

Brand Lead

Jane Doe


Jane Doe


Jane Doe

Creative Director

Jane Doe

Brand Lead

Jane Doe


Jane Doe


Jane Doe